Friday, August 7, 2015

Kitchen Window Trim (8/6/15)

We decided when we paint the posts and spindles for the staircase railing we should paint the trim for the kitchen window at the same time.  Then we can finish the backsplash and the kitchen will be finished!!  Mike decided to conquer the trim for the window before the posts since the figuring and calculating was a little more straight forward....seriously you should see him when he is making things like this, the smoke just pours out of his ears ;)  

He made it as one unit and slid it right in the window sill, so when we are ready to paint it will come right out.  I LOVE the trim!!!  Makes me want more trim done.....but it will come in time :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I know this is an older post but I was wondering where or what kind of window trim this it? This is the exact style that I want but can't seem to locate it at Home Depot or Lowes or our local store. Can you email me and let me know? Thank you and I love everything you did to your home
