Tuesday, May 10, 2016

New Kitchen Sink Faucet (5/9/16)

We got new faucet for the kitchen sink. I never really liked the old one since we got it because it sprayed so hard.  Mike put the new one in tonight.  It works so much better than the old one!!  For now we are going to put the old one at the bar sink in the dining room so we finally can have the plumbing hooked up and may eventually replace it.


  1. Isn't it nice when something in your home is finally completed the way you want it to be? I have been living with renovations ever since I bought my new home and then I divorced my other half and moved somewhere smaller and ended up doing renovations again! Plumbing is the bit I don't like and I changed all the old, rusty faucets in every sink. I have noticed though that it is gradually becoming more and more trendy to keep them in a modern home.

    1. I feel your pain :) Renovations get old, but it does feel so good when things come together and you can finally enjoy all the hard work you put in!
