Thursday, February 27, 2014

Skimming & Electrical (2/26/14)

I finished the 2nd skim coat on the living room ceiling today and started on a 3rd coat.  It doesn't take too long and will probably look a lot better so a third coat will probably be best.

Mike worked on the electrical a little in the office.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Office Lights (2/25/14)

Tonight we got the recessed lights put in the office.  Got them wired up and Mike ran power to them.  They work!  It's crazy how much more light there is in the room now and he positioned 3 of them right above my desk so I have really good lighting there!

I also got half of the second skim coat done on the living room ceiling.  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ceilings (2/24/13)

Today I finished the first skim coat on the living room ceiling.  I also scraped the popcorn off the ceiling in the 2 new walk-in closets.  These scraped so nice and easy compared to the living room ceiling!

Mike put in holes in the office for the recessed lights and the holes for the lights in the closets.  He also took down the boards on the kitchen ceiling that previously framed up the staircase and walls around it.
Recessed light holes in office
Taking down the boards on kitchen ceiling
Boards are down, more sheetrock needs to come down and then the ceiling patched

Monday, February 24, 2014

Walk-in Closet Framing (2/23/14)

Today we got the wall in the new office and new walk-in closets furred out to 2x6 walls instead of the old 2x4 walls.  We insulated them and put up the vapor barrier plastic in the closet area since that section had no electrical in it.  We got all the closet walls framed and I'm so excited about these closets!!  They are a lot bigger than I anticipated!!  Seems like the plans make everything look so big and then when it is actually built it's not as big as I thought it was going to be, not these closets though!!  It will be so nice to have so much more space!  I really appreciate space now after living in this tiny house for 3 years!!  

I wired up the outlets for the master bedroom and we figured out we missed a wire to one of the outlets powering 4 of them so Mike is going to have to fish in a wire.

Wiring...on Kate's bed :)
Closet wall furred & insulated
Office wall furred & insulated
First closet wall is up!
It's a little hard to tell whats going on, but this is the doorway into office walk-in closet
Doorway into bedroom walk-in closet
Wall between both closets - they are back to back

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Office Wall in (2/22/14)

Today we put up the new wall for the office and took down the old walls/closets.

A little piece of history!
Hard at it.....again!
Insulation Ride!
Cutting in the dining room....of course!
New wall from the office side - Old walls are gone!
New wall from the bathroom side
Doorway into walk-in closet in office

More Office Wall Demo (2/21/14)

Today I took more sheetrock off the bedroom and closet walls.  With a little help from my sweet Evan - he made some holes in the wall, took off some sheetrock, and helped me load the garbage.  We got most of it off except for the stuff up high, that will have to be done by the freakishly tall one :)

He got to put the first hole in his old bedroom wall

Friday, February 21, 2014

Office Wall Demo (2/20/14)

I'm feeling a little determined to get upstairs done.  It's like one wall leads into another so you can't fully finish one room until another is done.  Like the living room, I can't finish all the mudding and paint it because the sheetrock into the office isn't finished yet and the wall by the steps which will be the bathroom wall is not built yet.  So I emptied out the 3 closets on the wall between the office and Evan's old room - which was a big chore, I had to find space for Evan, Kate, and my clothes without having any additional closets to put the clothes in; and also empty out the bathroom stuff from the hall closet.  Hopefully this goes fast and temporary and we can get this stuff put back in their permanent spots!

We started demo on the "closet"wall and still have more to go.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Living Room Ceiling Scraped (2/18/14)

Mike finished scraping the living room ceiling tonight....yay that was an annoying job!  Now let the skim coating begin.  I started and did about a third of it, it will probably need 2 coats.

Good at making messes :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Living Room Ceiling Scraping (2/17/14)

Mike did some more scrapping on the ceiling in the living room tonight, still a small section left and it will be done!

He laid out where the island is going in the kitchen so we can get an idea...with a little help....

Monday, February 17, 2014

Finally an OPEN kitchen!!! (2/16/14)

Mike patched a small section of the floor by the new staircase and THEN took down the final wall to the kitchen!!!  It feels so good to finally have our kitchen open!  We gained a lot of space with the addition but I still felt so closed in with our little "hallway" kitchen, now it finally feels like what we are trying to accomplish here!

Patching the floor
First kitchen cabinet is out!
Microwave out!
All the cabinets are down!
Notice anything creepy about that "peep-hole"???
Excited about an open kitchen!!
Stove, fridge, & cabinets are gone....ready to take out the wall!
Everyone has a fridge in their living room right?? ;)
Taking out the sheetrock!
The audience!

YAY!  I love it!  It feels SO different!!
View from the dining room

Old Staircase Gone (2/15/14)

Today Mike took out the old staircase and patched the opening in the floor.

Wall is gone
Steps are down!
Feeling like we're sitting on the dock with our feet in the "water"!
Patching the floor

All walls around steps are gone!