Friday, February 21, 2014

Office Wall Demo (2/20/14)

I'm feeling a little determined to get upstairs done.  It's like one wall leads into another so you can't fully finish one room until another is done.  Like the living room, I can't finish all the mudding and paint it because the sheetrock into the office isn't finished yet and the wall by the steps which will be the bathroom wall is not built yet.  So I emptied out the 3 closets on the wall between the office and Evan's old room - which was a big chore, I had to find space for Evan, Kate, and my clothes without having any additional closets to put the clothes in; and also empty out the bathroom stuff from the hall closet.  Hopefully this goes fast and temporary and we can get this stuff put back in their permanent spots!

We started demo on the "closet"wall and still have more to go.

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