Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Still Waiting (11/14/17)

It's been nearly 2 weeks since the appraisal has been done and we still have not heard the results and set a closing date yet.  It's officially too late in the process to get that info and still close on the original date of 11/17/17.  Our realtor talked to the appraiser this past Friday and he said he'd have it done that day or on Monday - it's Tuesday now with still no answers.  I'm beyond frustrated!

I'm hesitant to pack because I'm afraid that the appraisal doesn't come in for enough and we have to cancel the sale.  I don't want to unpack, how sad!  Obviously there's a good chance it'll be just fine but this whole process hasn't been all that easy so I'm not ready to just trust the process and pack it all up.  We did hear from our buyers bank that they are just waiting for the appraisal and then can set the closing date and everything else is pretty much ready.  This also worries me....we could find out and only have a few days to pack!  I have packed a lot already, but there's still a lot to pack and Mike hasn't even touched the garage yet.  

It's been a total roller-coaster, I've been so frustrated and stressed.  I know we could find out any minute about the appraisal and the closing date and my mood will immediately shift, but until then the days just keep ticking by with nothing.  I'm ready -- Lets do this!!!

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